Joints Pain
“Each person must find some time to sit down and watch leaf fall,” said Elizabeth Lawrence, a famous American writer. Once autumn season stars, body undergoes various physiological changes as autumn comes with variations in temperature, humidity and atmospheric….

Detoxification Therapy
Our environment is saturated with toxic substances that enter the body through the food and water and the air we breathe. Even our body produces toxic metabolic waste products which must be removed to maintain our health and life activity. A properly nourished…

Digestive System
The digestive system represents a group of morphological and functional organs that help in digestion and absorption of ingested food and help to expel undigested or nonassimilated food. The main functions of the digestive system are to provide necessary nutrients to the…

Male Reproductive System
The prostate gland is a part of the male reproductive system, where it accumulates about 30% of the seminal fluid. This gland is located between the urinary vesicle and urethra and has the shape of a walnut. Nowadays, a number of men experiencing….

Cardiovascular System
One third of the total number of deaths worldwide is caused by cardiovascular diseases, which thereby constitute the leading cause of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization there are over 300 risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases and….

Attention And Concentration
Many people argue that stress is disease XXI century. Hectic pace of life, daily worries and tensions, conflicts and insecurity are some of the causes of stress. Stress is the body’s response to different physical, mental or emotional stimuli that…

Respiratory System
The easiest way for a healthy life is an active immune system, functioning with maximum efficiency. Human in this modern time is leading towards rapidly developing disorderly life, in an unsuitable environment; busy in activities of daily living with stress, constantly neglecting the healthy diet or…

Immune System Of Children
Every parent wants to have a healthy kid. Childhood is very beautiful time of life, but at the same time the parent remains anxious about diseases that can be acquired child. The presence of a child in crowded place or community is one of the…

Liver Health
Do you have pain in right side below the ribs? Do you have flatulence? Are you stressed? Then you have all chances to have some liver problems. From simple dyskinesia and biliary lithiasis to serious diseases such as cirrhosis or hepatitis C, all are caused by improper functioning of the liver. The liver acts…