
Problems related with attention and concentration – Stress and Memory

Many people argue that stress is the disease of XXI century. Hectic pace of life, daily worries and tensions, conflicts and insecurity are causative of stress. Stress is the body’s response to different physical, mental or emotional stimuli that persists with certain intensity and a certain amount of time. Stress, basically a natural component of the body’s defense system, if it persists for a long period or if its intensity is very high, can lead to undesirable effects. In modern human life would be useless because they are so numerous that it would be almost impossible to achieve all of them. And stress, as it is already known, is a cause for many health problems and some body parts are more vulnerable to negative stimulus caused by stress.

Stress is not an invention of our time. The primitive man has been threatening by the natural phenomenon, wildlife and lack of abilities were felt more intensely by him than us today, but he was not so much aware of these happenings. Symptoms of stress manifestations include mental, social and physical. It induces fatigue, loss/increase in appetite, headache, sadness, insomnia or drowsiness. Escape through the consumption of alcohol or drugs are often signs of this stress. Similarly, feelings of terror, frustration or apathy may accompany stress.

In the present society, people are undergoing intense emotional and mental overloads, spending hours in front of the computer accessing updated information in many areas, which are necessary, according to them, in order to adapt them to situations arising, to face challenges and solve complicated problems during work within a short time. State of exhaustion and worries later contribute to a reduced sleep and restless and due to that, the whole body gets affected. A healthy memory depends on a healthy body. Caring for our health in general, contributes maintain long-term memory. Exposure to stress over long periods, over 3-6 years, affects long-term memory and other cognitive abilities. If you forget the name of someone you just met or you wander some important items in the house, you have no reason to worry about. These minor memory losses even begin in adolescence and progress with age. Memory problems can be considered a symptom when associated with other difficulties in everyday life, such as difficulty of orientation in familiar places or sudden changes in mental status. Mental fatigue causes reduction in concentration, memory, leading to incorrect judgments and negligence and a weak self-control.

In this situation, exercise and walking contribute to a better oxygenation of the brain and a proper diet consisting of fruits, vegetables and fish has a beneficial effect on memory. Eating spinach, bananas, apples, cereal, carrots and greens are recommended because they contain vitamins and minerals necessary for normal brain function. Also, certain herbs help support the body and thus strengthen memory. Regarding this, an ayurvedic herb, Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha, Indian ginseng) is very beneficial. It has tonic properties, refreshing, remarkable adaptogenic, antioxidant effects, helping to slow down the natural aging process and the negative consequences of stress, providing mental sharpness, a state of confidence and optimism.

For optimum intellectual performance and enviable tone of the body, specialists from STAR INTERNATIONAL MED created the natural ayurvedic remedies, ASHWAGANDHA RASAYAN TAB and MEMO ON.