Male Reproductive System


The prostate gland is a part of the male reproductive system, where it accumulates about 30% of the seminal fluid. This gland is located between the urinary vesicle and urethra and has the shape of a walnut. Nowadays, a number of men experiencing prostate related problems in the age at which such a situation should not exist. One of the first symptoms of prostate disorder is frequent urination.

Frequent urination is often associated to weather, age or fluid intake. Frequent urination can also have some more etiologies and some of these may be diabetes, increased levels of glucose in the blood causing the urge of frequent urination. In this case, other symptoms such as extreme thirst, weakness, fatigue, tingling in the fingers and feet may also exist. In case of women, frequent urination indicates urinary tract infections.

Prostatitis is characterized by inflammation of the prostate as a result of an infection, causing discomfort in the pelvic area. It is manifested by difficulty in urinating, painful and frequent urination, back pain, fever, sexual dysfunction, etc. Men who suffer from prostatitis may not enjoy sexual life properly, because they feel severe pain during erection and ejaculation. Also, there is a possibility when some medications are used to reduce the intensity of symptoms, which may diminish sexual desire. Since the prostate is directly involved in the production of sperms, prostatitis may lower fertility by reducing quantity and mobility of sperms. As the man physically matures, the prostate gland passes through two main periods of growth. The first occurs early in age, when the prostate doubles in size. Around the age of 25, the gland begins to grow again. This secondary phase of growth is often result a problem in the later age known as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (abnormally increased dimension of prostate which sometimes may block urine flow).

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia expresses an enlarged prostate with inflammation, causing slow urinary flow and a decrease in force to eliminate urine which leads to frequent urination. This condition is common in older men and can affect quality of life, causing infections of urinary tract, kidney and bladder. Some common associated symptoms include: frequent urination, especially nocturnal, weak urinary flow, dysuria (painful urination), sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder, involuntary loss of urine, etc. This condition is probably a normal part of the aging process in men, caused by changes in hormone levels and cell growth.

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men. One in every six men is diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime. But, fortunately, due to slow pace of development, only 35% of them die from this diseases. As in the case of benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer risk increases with age. Unfortunately, there are a number of unidentified factors related with prostate cancer and some of them may include family history and diet rich in animal fats.

For Male reproductive health, specialists of STAR INTERNATIONAL MED have created Ayurmed brand (a brand of STAR INTERNATIONAL MED) ayurvedic remedies PROSTATOSALM and URINOSALM.


Ejaculation Disorders

Men usually avoid talking about issues related to their sexual lives or their intimate zones thereby, several signs that may indicate illness or serious illnesses often go unnoticed till it is too late. Male sexual dysfunction refers to a problem appeared during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents the individual or couple to get satisfied during sexual activity. The sexual response cycle has four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm and postlude.

Emission of semen through the penis immediately after ejaculation known as orgasm. This is a reflex action occurred by rhythmic and regular pressure of penis during sexual intercourse or masturbation. Sexual intercourse failures can have many causes. One of the most common problems that lead to sexual intercourse failure refers to ejaculation. Whether it occurs too soon or too late, in these situations, the complete satisfaction and total relaxation may not be achieved. It does not represent any new fact that, occasionally, men ejaculate more quickly than he or his partner wishes to be during intercourse. But, as long as it does not happen often, there is reason for concern.

There are different types of ejaculation disorders, which are as follows:
Premature ejaculation – refers to ejaculation that occurs prior to or just after penetration, sometimes this happens even prior to any direct stimulation.

Ejaculation Inhibition or late ejaculation – occurs when the erection is normal and even extended, but ejaculation occurs very late or does not occur at all and the man has difficulties to achieve orgasm, although he wants and gets sufficient stimulus for it to occur. The causes can be physical or psychological conditions in that sometimes men themselves unaware to self-react in a certain way and ejaculation then can be achieved only by repeating these circumstances.

Retrograde ejaculation – In this condition, during orgasm, semen is removed from the testicles, but instead of being propelled by rhythmic contractions outside the urethra, ejaculation is forced back and enters in the urinary bladder through the bladder neck and thereby, less quantity of sperm come out of the penis through the urethra. The most common reason for this is the bladder neck or prostate surgery.

In majority of cases, premature and inhibited ejaculations are caused by psychological factors like a lack of attraction to the partner and past traumatic events (such as masturbation, sexual prohibition, suspicious state indicating the possibility of having another partner) etc.).
Premature ejaculation is the most common form of sexual dysfunction in men, occurs more often due to sexual anxiety during intercourse. However, organic causes may sometimes be present as well. Certain medications, including some antidepressants, may affect ejaculation.
Retrograde ejaculation is the most common problem in males with diabetes and those who are suffering from diabetic neuropathy. This occurs due to problems with urinary bladder nerves that allow sperms to flow back. In males, retrograde ejaculation occurs after surgery of on the urinary vesicle, prostate or abdominal surgery.

Among the effective herbal remedies in these situations, we recommend Ayurmed brand (a brand of STAR INTERNATIONAL MED) dietary supplement POTENT POWER.

POTENT POWER is a unique combination of best Ayurvedic herbs and minerals that help stimulate spermatogenesis, blood circulation to the reproductive organs and increase its tone and regulate hormonal functions. POTENT POWER helps alleviate the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission episodes and normalizes prostate enlargement.


Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction should not be confused with occasional failures to obtain or maintain a penile erection. Erectile dysfunction, commonly known as impotence, represents persistent or recurrent inability to attain or maintain an erection long enough to complete sexual intercourse or another chosen sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction occurs when a man encounters repeated problems of maintaining an erection. Without treatment, erectile dysfunction can seriously affect a person’s sexual life.

Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age. In young age, the cause is probably psychological, while in older men, the cause is more physiological one. Studies have shown a 40% prevalence of erectile dysfunction in men with the age of 40 years, while 70% prevalence of erectile dysfunction in men with the age of over 70 years is. Few men live without experiencing occasional failure to achieve or maintain an erection. This usually happens due to stress, fatigue, anxiety, or alcohol abuse. Also, hormonal abnormalities, drug abuse, diabetes, excessive smoking, high cholesterol, neurological diseases increase the risk of manifestation of erectile dysfunction.

Men with erectile dysfunction have a normally functioning libido, but their body fails to respond to impulses. In most of the cases, the problem remains physica

Loss of libido or inhibited desire refers to a decrease in the desire to have sexual intercourse or a decreased interest in sexual activity. Low libido may result from physical or psychological factors. This is associated with a low testosterone level or may be caused by psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, marital or problems related with partner, medical illnesses, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, certain medications including some antidepressants etc.. The most important cause of inhibited sexual desire is the internal problems which is couple’s lack of affection and lack of communication between partners. Problems related to male sexual functions can be solved with both counseling and psychological support, as well as allopathic or natural treatments.

Among the effective herbal remedies in these situations, we recommend Ayurmed brand (a brand of Star International Med) dietary supplement POTENT POWER.

POTENT POWER is a unique combination of best Ayurvedic herbs and minerals that help stimulate spermatogenesis, blood circulation to the reproductive organs and increase its tone and regulate hormonal functions.

POTENT POWER helps alleviate the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission episodes and normalizes prostate enlargement.
Plants used in this product are collected from unpolluted areas of the Himalaya regions, where no chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used, only natural substances are used for processing. The minerals used in this preparation are prepared by traditional ayurvedic methods, in order to amplify their effect.

POTENT POWER strengthens male sexual organ, keeping it in optimum state of health and improves sexual performance. It also increases resistance to stress and alleviate emotional tension, boosts stamina and erotic imagination, allowing support for a prolonged sexual intercourse.