Health and Harmony. Natural remedies for the entire family.

Diseases & Remedies

Ayurveda approaches the man from a holistic perspective, addressing to the entire body, made up of body, mind and spirit. The healthy body is supported to maintain health and balance and the sick body is helped to regulate functions, to heal itself.
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Skin & Hair Disorders

The active ingredients from the content of the natural cosmetics range brand Ayurmed, contribute to maintain health and beauty of skin, hair and scalp. It were manufactured using Ayurvedic old traditional recipes, thus blending tradition with technology.
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Ayurvedic Herbs

The herbs used in the content of natural dietary supplements, brand Ayurmed are harvested from clean and unpolluted areas, of the Himalayas and then, are dried naturally, using cold extraction, whose bioactive substances were not altered by external factors.
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- Prof. Dr. Vladimir GusicIn various forms, diabetes is a disease as widespread as it is insidious. Before the discovery of insulin and its saving potential to receive, mortality from diabetes came about as coma, in its final phase. Along with synthetic drugs, and herbal medicine in recent years it began to gain more ground. Herbs have proven beneficial effects in diabetes, scientific research highlighting a number of bioactive principles for protection and regeneration of pancreatic cells secreting insulin.
- Prof. Univ. Dr. Farm. Ing. SENECA BERGHEANUAyurvedic dietary supplements, extracted from traditional medicinal herbs, very serious scientific controlled, are designed for patients with metabolic, nutritional or immune deficiencies, disorders, having a complementary effect in restoring and sustaining the general tone of the body.
- Prof. Dr. VLADIMIR – JULES GUSICThe urinary system is the body component whose function is drafting and passing urine – a solution of salts, water and organic substances resulting from chemical transformations of the body at different levels of nutrients absorbed into the blood. The emergence of diseases or dysfunctions at this level has implications for the whole body and can cause extreme grave developments.