Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) is an annual herbaceous plant cultivated for its fruit, flowers, and its seeds.
Cucurbita maxima is an annual plant with flexible and climbing stem. The leaves are cordiforme (heart-shaped), pentalobulate, large sized and well marked ribs; has abundant hairs on leaves and stems. The flowers are yellow and pulpy. The fruit has a high variation (polymorphism) can be oval or spherical, green or bright orange. The pulp is yellow-orange, dense and sweet.
Pumpkin has numerous seeds which are oval, convex, smooth, 2-3 cm long, which in turn include white and edible core. Pumpkin size varies between 25-40 cm in diameter. There are varieties of pumpkins of summer season with bright colored fruit and soft seeds (variety which conserves within short time) and winter varieties that are more dry and sweet, used in confectionery (shelf life is longer).
Chemical composition – Seeds contain phytosterols (cucurbitol), omega 3 fatty acids, carotenoids, tocopherols, phospholipids, vitamins A, E, F, flavonoids, saturated, unsaturated and polyunsaturated acids.
Properties – Antidiabetic, eliminate intestinal parasites, regulates cholesterol helps proper functioning of the kidneys, heart tonic, tonic for the urinary system maintains bowel, maintains prostate volume, improves fat metabolism, cleanses the body of harmful substances (toxins, carcinogens, etc.) and helps to strengthen immunity and maintains normal hormone balance.
Recommendation – Prostate disorders, insomnia, heart attacks, stroke and problems relatred with lower limb arteries, osteoporosis, constipation, kidney stones, liver disorders, bladder disorders.
This plant is incorporated in natural remedy PROSTATOSALM.