Customer Support
24/7Phone / Program
(+4) 021 313 9481; 0722 750 111
Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00Address
STAR INTERNATIONAL MED, No. 57, Drumul Cooperativei Street, District 5, 052755, Bucharest, Romania
Customer Support
For questions related to the acquisition / distribution of our products please contact:
24/7Phone / Program
(+4) 021 313 9481; 0757 012 588
Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00Address
STAR INTERNATIONAL MED, No. 57, Drumul Cooperativei Street, District 5, 052755, Bucharest, Romania

Ayurvedic Consultations
Hours: Monday - Wednesday - 09:00 - 17:00;Appointments: Phone: 0787.534.609 / 021.313.78.46
Address: No. 35, Blvd. Nicolae Bălcescu, District 1, Bucharest
Dr. Carla Fabian – Specialist apiphytotherapy, Ayurveda – consultation, blood and glucose FREE (pensioners and children)

Ayurmed Herb Shop - Carol I
Hours: Monday to Friday - 08:00 - 20:00; Saturday - 09:00 - 15:00Phone: 0741 130 763 / 021 310 77 07
Address: No. 46, Blvd. Carol I, District 2, Bucharest

Ayurmed Herb Shop - Universitate
Hours: Monday to Friday - 08:00 - 20:00; Saturday - 09:00 - 15:00Phone: 0787.534.609 / 021.313.78.46
Address: No. 35, Blvd. Nicolae Bălcescu, District 1, Bucharest

Ayurmed Herb Shop - Știrbei Vodă
Hours: Monday to Friday - 08:00 - 20:00; Saturday - 09:00 - 15:00Phone: 021.315.68.06 / 0743.179.516
Address: No. 17, Str. Știrbei Vodă, District 1, Bucharest