Founded in 1999 in Bucharest by the initiative of Dr. Shawki and Mrs Elena Salman, after a long period of research and with the desire to provide people an alternative method of healing the mind, body and soul. The company Star International Med, from the beginning had the main objective of valuing specific plants from Indo-Asian flora. The company was founded with the belief that health should not be a luxury, only for the rich, but should be accessible to all, regardless of status and financial condition.
Over the time, Star International Med was supported by exceptional people, renowned doctors and pharmacists as Prof. Dr. Eugen Rotaru – Agronomist, Prof. Dr Vladimir Guse – Biologist, Prof. Dr. Seneca Bergheanu – Pharmacist with a double Phd in Chemistry and Pharmacy.
The natural remedies of Star International Med experienced a gradual expansion through an extensive promotion in all the cities of Romania, where they were received with great appreciation of the consumers. The Promotion of traditional Indian Medicine “Ayurveda” (Science of Life) in Romania, began by our company launching by launching a range of natural products, dietary supplements and syrups in the market, by establishing ayurvedic health centers, and by our activity of sharing scientific information through participation in symposiums, conferences, exhibitions and fairs.
Ayurveda – The Science of Life – represents the Indian medical knowledge which is derived from the sacred texts of the Vedas ( c 3900 B.C – c 1500 BC) and whose principles are exploited in what is now called alternative therapies.
Extracts which are obtained from plants by extraction in ambient conditions, well known for their beneficial actions on the human body, are incorporated into remedies and natural dietary supplements under the brand Ayurmed.
All the ayurvedic products manufactured and promoted by Star International Med Laboratories maintain your optimum health.
Star International Med Impex is a company whose object of activity is the production and distribution of natural ayurvedic supplements created using recipes that respect the strict principles of Ayurveda medicine. For over a decade, we have successfully applied the science of traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda, preserving concepts for over 5000 years and combining it with an ultra-modern technology that preserves intact the properties of the ingredients used.
From this process results a wide range of natural remedies that help not only to treat the symptoms but to completely heal the human body. In accordance with the holistic approach that Ayurveda has on life and health, Star International Med has lauched a range of natural cosmetics, not only for beautification and maintenance of the skin, but also for treatment of different problems (acne, blemishes, premature aging skin, wrinkles and fine lines, excessive secretion of sebum, etc.)
All natural supplements producted by our company are subject to research and tested for many years before launched on the market. The trust wich the doctors, specialists and patients give us, is the result of the product quality and labor involvment of the Star team to provide quality producs and the proof of the compliance with Ayurvedic texts.
The team of Star International Med consists of several departments, each of them beeing constituted by specialists, prompt and responsive to consumer questions and requests.
Star International Med has implemented and currently maintains a Quality Management System that meets the requirements of SR EN ISO 9001 : 2008 and Food Safety Management System that respects the requirements of SR EN ISO 22000 : 2005. ( GMP ), ISO 9001/2000.

Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine, offers natural solutions for both healing and for maintaining and protecting health.
While modern medicine tries to treat the disease, Ayuveda, will help the body to realign functions, to self-heal.
STAR INTERNATIONAL MED products are 100% natural, gentle on the body, giving back its lost vitality and health.
They improve body’s functions and have aphrodisiac, vitaminizing, revitalizing and purifying effects.
Our main goal is to make known the benefits of herbs. At the same time, we want to bring to everyone attention the importance of protecting nature, because a healthy environment is health for us.
From the beginning, we were close to those who suffer and we have done extensive research to find remedies effective in as many diseases.
Soon, you will find in pharmacies across the country new AYURMED brand products, products that will restore the health and joy and allow you to spend more time with your family.
Dr. Arh. Shawki Salman

By carreful selection of the ingredients obtained from plants in an unpolluted environment situated near of the Himalaya mountains, we aimed to achieve the most effective natural remedies to maintain the health and welfare of consumers. It is well known that concerning the specific crops of India, the tradition of centuries does not allow the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
Plants grown in the Himalayas are considered to be the best quality around the Indian Peninsula. Star International Med applies and implements principles and formulas promoted by the Ayurvedic medicine, which are created from Indian plants, harvested and collected from clean unpolluted areas, dried by natural process, extracted in ambient temperature condition and by virtue of this, the bioactive substances contained the plant do not get altered by external factors. Our all natural food supplements are of standard quality and are in conformity with the implemented regulations. From these extracts, using special technologies, are obtained ayurvedic remedies, solutions, syrups, ointments and tablets, as 100% natural supplements and cosmetics with natural ingredients.
Since its establishment, the company Star International Med has developed progressively, being the first company wich produces ayurvedic natural remedies. Seriousness and involvment are two basic principles that define our company. Respect, expediency and dedication demonstrated to our customers have propelled us among the most important and valued companies in the field.
The main values on wich Star International Med is guided, are: excellence, authenticity, teamwork, continuous learning and care for our customers.
The company participacion at trade fairs is essential for both our company and customers. Participation in such events helps us to stay in theme with the news on the market, with the national and European requirements and standards in the field and to learn the requirements and needs of our customers, to develop new recipes and products to expand them on the market in Romania and beyond.
By our activity we aime to meet the needs and demads of our consumers. The recognition results achieved by people who use our products is the best proof of their effectiveness (which helps the body’s self-healing process). The consumers health is a priority for us, but we also want to anticipate their needs (in the department of research the activity is continuing) depending on wich we will launch new products to complement the actual ranges.
Since we want our products to help all people regardless their financial situation, our prices are affordable for everyone without neglecting the quality of the products. For us, quality always prevails over quantity.
Today Ayurveda knows an increasing success in many countries on all continents. In Romania there are both private Ayurveda clinics and courses held regurarly.
India is a subcontinent with 3 million square kilometers, a population of one billion, which speaks 18 languages in over 1000 dialects and has a history of over 5000 years, during which time appeared a sum of civilizations, kingdoms and empires. These people were known for their contributions in medicine, astronomy and mathematics, and the knowledge gained can be used as source of information for development of the medicine in this new millennium.
Indian medical manuscripts dating is difficult because the timing India pales before eternity and history is lost in legend and myth. People of different ages have the same name and they often can not know about anything specific. Legends are the very beings of the most famous we can not accurately recover the thread of existence. The important papers were saved, and transmission be made in their Master-disciple relationship with respect to the text and all the smallest details of it.
Vedas, the sacred Indian texts that contain the first record on Ayurvedic medicine, have been dated April millennium before Christ, by the year 4000 even after data astronomical deducted from their verses. Of the four Vedas: Rigveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda Samaveda in Atharvaveda there are the largest health information in the form of 114 hymns including descriptions of diseases and their treatment.
Subsequent treaties are of Buddhist Ayurveda and the most important are the Charaka Samhita, a complex work consisting of eight books, dealing separately anatomy, embryology, physiology, etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and various therapies are inserted very substantial medical philosophical concepts necessary to understand the hidden mechanisms of body function.
These esoteric notions that reveal subtle anatomy of the human psyche and body are found in particular in the psychiatric industry, science Manasaroga or diseases caused the head of this vast medical system.
The other important treaty Susruta Samhita, the oldest book that deals extensively about surgery, and it is composed of several volumes, with inset wider issues about internal medicine treatments.
This paper has managed to capture the surgical instruments described by modern scientists, very similar to current operations and the complexity of surgery described in some cases such as organ transplants states and could not be matched today.
In great universities of ancient India, the Nalanda and Takshasila, today extinct, to study medicine for seven years, during which students receive no vacation, and at the end of this period were considered beginners, although some were practicing surgery.
Perhaps nowhere more than in India, science and medicine in particular appears as a cultural phenomenon and deeply humanist scientific achievement because there was not separated from the spiritual.
I must add that today India is the only country in the world where there are three types of state medical faculties: Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine course for six years, modern medicine, the West is six years studying and faculty of homeopathy lasting five years. Therefore there are three types of doctors and the patient may opt for treatment in hospitals or offices through one of three methods. Being practiced for centuries, Ayurveda has come to be very systematic. There are eight large specific branches of Ayurveda, which also include numerous procedures ultraspecialized.
These branches are:
• Kaya – General Practitioner
• Shalya – general surgery
• Salakya – diseases of the ear, nose, throat and mouth otorhinolaryngology
• Bhutavidya – Psychiatry
• Kanmara or Kaumarabhrudya – Pediatrics
• Agadez – Toxicology
• Rasayana – rejuvinating and geriatric tonic
• Vajikarana – male sources, sexology and science of aphrodisiacs and family planning.
Ayurveda is based on deep knowledge of the mysteries of life.
Therapies in Ayurveda are very cleverly designed for maximum results to avoid adverse reactions and strong interactions with the patient’s organism, massage oil therapy is a gentle cure for patients, which is applied to the entire surface of the skin.
Therapeutic remedies, true treasures of Health, are based on aromatic herbs, from which they extracted oil and administer them within the body.
By pressing the vital energy points, by unblocking the meridians, by feeding the deep tissues with oils, Ayurvedic therapies millennium and today we are amazed by their effectiveness.
Ayurveda Treatment leads to a reintegration of life harmony. It is frequently started by antistress therapies and those who prepare the patient for easy purification therapies actual disposal of waste accumulated over time and possible action are extremely active natural medicinal preparations.
Currently performing research to develop extremely potent remedies by the ancient Ayurvedic recipes, but using extracts from plants indigenous equivalent. No illness or pain that does not receive treatment in Ayurveda.
Holistic natural medicine man perceives it as a whole and not only addresses the diseased organs. Each patient is treated in a unique, perfectly adapted to the constitution and health.
Being so complex practice, Ayurveda is both healthy human preventive medicine, and a way of healing most diseases.