Obesity And Its Consequences

Obesity And Its Consequences

Nutritional disorders and obesity, especially those of varying degrees, usually represent a major risk factor for human health. Without any extreme changes, maintaining the body weight should occupy a prominent place in our daily preoccupations. The society looks over weight persons with the eyes of criticism and accusing them as gourmand in an unjustified manner. They are always targeted and “verbally attacked” from behind, and those who “enjoy” of putting allegations, proving themselves as persons with a complete lack of knowledge.
obezitateaObesity is a medical condition rather than a mere accumulation of a few kilograms in the body. Obesity reflects the existence of severe hormonal imbalances in the body and is one of the most common diseases of modern society. Other causes of obesity include: lack of exercise and comparative physical work, in the same time, the energy potential of food and metabolic disorders. Obesity often affects self-esteem, leading to inferiority complex and difficulties related to social integration.

It is known that extra weight causes a lot of stress on the body and promotes the emergence of various ailments such as high blood pressure, increased blood cholesterol, Diabetes mellitus, gallstones, osteoarthritis of knee, hip and lumbar spine, abdominal hernia, varicose veins, diminished motor reflexes, etc. This list of ailments may also be continued with other ailments related to obesity.

When we feel that our weight exceeds the normal limits, then it is necessary to begin to take measures. Maintaining the silhouette through intense therapy of weight loss may negatively affect the health of the body. Feelings of anger, depression or anxiety have negative repercussions on the body, they can be transformed among others, and unsightly fat deposits on the body.
– Eating during unappropriate hours of theday (its important that the last meal should be taken two hours before the bed time)
– Eating incompetible food (such as prepared food and fruit)
– Eating when there are emotional problems
– Eating even when there is no feeling of hunger
– Munching everytime during meal intervals.
– Eating stale (expired) food(s).
– Drinking too much or even no water during meals.
– Eating rapidly or very slowly.

Unhealthy eating habits

The method like simpler and quicker, the food is being prepared today from, which is extremely unhealthy, making the generation obese right from the early age. Fast food restaurants and pre-cooked foods in food stores dominate our diets and our children. Therefore changes in eating habits of both the little ones and the adults required to ensure a healthy diet rich in nutrients and preventing excess weight gain. If a child is taught to choose appropriate and healthy foods, he will know how to maintain a balanced diet in adulthood. Also disharmonious eating behavior has a direct consequence on health as obesity.
Snacks low in nutrients but high in fat such as fast-food preparations, heavy desserts and soft drinks with more sugar contributing to weight gain. If eaten in large quantities, the risk of obesity is even greater.

Also, in the category of unhealthy food habits and eating might include eating in late hours, eating too much or too little, eating before the complete digestion of previously taken meal, munching other things between meals intervals, etc.
Ayurveda offers a logical and scientific approach of determining the correct diet based on individual constitution. This approach differs from the classical attitude regarding a balanced diet that contains the main categories of food: meat, fruit, dairy products, cereals and vegetables. According to Ayurveda literature, such a diet is insufficient to generate health. Food is selected by taste, effect on the body and its qualities (hot-cold, wet-dry, oily, heavy-light, subtly coarse and others). The main intention of diet in the Ayurvedic system is nourishing body tissues, also called the seven dhatus – lymph, blood, muscles, fat, bones, marrow and the sexual fluids. Each of these tissues, when fed, nourishes and forms the next tissue. To nourish the tissues, food must first be digested, in this case digestive fire, or “Agni” (metabolism) assuming the responsibility, which is found in the stomach and small intestine. The food is not digested properly due to overeating, incorrect combinations, imbalance or toxins in food items creating a sticky toxin called “Ama”, which remains in digestive tract lining and tongue and which may also be deposited on the tissues, forming a land for chronic diseases. Proper food nourishes the tissues and body without generating toxic “Ama”.

Following are some of the most common causes of obesity:


1. Sedentary life style

Lack of regular exercise is among the factors contributing to obesity. People spend so much time in front of the TV or computer are at increased risk of becoming overweight and even obese than those who do outdoors exercises or dedicated to a particular sport.

Sedentary lifestyle is a greater problem when “combined” with food of fast food type, for example, a person watching television or sitting in front of the computer while eating a hamburger with french fries. To prevent obesity, a healthy alternative to favorite activities like daily walking in the nearby park, interactive or team games rather than sedentary life are beneficial.
It is worth mentioning that a sport followed in childhood will help the future adult in harmonious overall development of the body thereby, diminishing the risk of obesity.

2. Genetic profile

The genetic profile represents another factor which has, in turn, a major contribution to obesity. Thus, if the biological adult mother is overweight, there are 75% chances that the child will be overweight because the inheritance related to the metabolic processes comes mainly from the mother.
Taking into account that we cannot change the genetic profile, but, some other measures should be taken in order to combat with obesity. Parents are recommended for close supervision of the child, being especially attentive to his/her lifestyle, food habits, physical activities, etc. A few minor changes, such going school with a walk, replacing sedentary life style to interactive games or exercise, all those may help the child to escape the threat of subsequent obesity.

3. Stress and psychological factors

Despite the popular belief according to which stress contributes to weight loss, recent studies on the contrary show that tense states and psychological factors have the effect which is directly proportional to weight gain.
Some adults hardly cope with stress, so they use food to find peace and inner equilibrium. According to the studies, several people are inclined to eat large quantities of sweets, especially chocolate, in response to negative emotions such as boredom, anxiety or anger.

4. Surrounding medium

The surrounding environment plays an important role in preventing obesity. The family environment is the starting point for proper education of the child, as the future adult on topics of diet, nutrition, and sports. Attitudes, habits, food choices and the leisure of entire family are the critical factors in the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Modern lifestyle has helped us to have a high standard living, but equally contributed to the emergence of a growing enthusiasm for decreased physical activities and thus a pronounced inactivity. In the present era, automobiles are used even for short distances, which increase the risk of obesity evolution due to making us less active physically.

Taking into account that obesity is a chronic disease that leads to the most serious consequences – hypertension, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, respiratory disorders, some types of cancer (breast, colon, endometrial), psychiatric disorders (depression, poor self-appreciation) etc.. – It is important that it should be prevented right from an early age to avoid many health problems in the future associated with it.

After this brief overview of the main causes of obesity, we conclude that it is the result of lifestyle, for which each individual can make major changes which are beneficial health.
The natural herbal remedies are helpful in relieving obesity. For people who want to use herbal medicinal remedies for obesity there are natural remedies available and one of them is Ayurmed brand SLEMOL. It is obtained from specific Indian herbs ensuring uniform and healthy weight loss. Beneficial effect is due to extracts of leaves and fruits of Garcinia Cambogia which, together with other Ayurvedic herbs help the body to naturally maintain normal weight and stay healthy.

By complete fat combustion, stimulating and regulating metabolism, natural remedy SLEMOL reduces obesity and its associated disorders and thus improves overall health. SLEMOL reduces normalized elevated blood levels of LDL cholesterol responsible for cardiovascular accidents. SLEMOL therapy but must be accompanied by a proper diet, which involve a proper, regular schedule. Thus, if we eat every day at the same hour, our body will adapt to this rhythm, ste=imulating the secretion of gastric juices and required for proper digestion.
For a proper elimination of toxins accumulated in the body due to obesity and its associated complications, intensive cleansing treatments are recommended that eliminate toxins from both blood and the gut.

For blood purification Ayurmed brand natural remedy MARGUSA is recommended, consisting of Neem powder (Azadirachta indica or Margosa) and Liquorice powder (Glycyrrhiza glabra or Yashti madhu). Specifically, this product has general anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and antiparasitic effects. It purifies the blood and related major organs like liver and spleen, thus maintaining their normal functions. Its blood purification and cleansing skin effects have a direct consequence of all skin eruptions caused by accumulation of toxins in the body. Similarly, it helps reduce inflammation and joint pain providing immunostimulant and antioxidant effect. MARGUSA can be administered both adults and children in appropriate doses.

To purify the digestive tract, Ayurmed brand natural remedy TRIFYLA is recommended, a classic combination of 3 Indian herb fruit powders widely used for their therapeutic properties: Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vibhitaki (Terminalia Belerica). The specificity of this remedy lies in the fact that it balances all three doshas located mainly in the digestive tract. Effects of its use are: regulating bowel movements and thus eliminating the toxins and waste byproducts through stools accumulated in the digestive tract, alleviating unpleasant effects of bowel disorders (bloating, constipation, diarrhea etc), protecting the mucosa of digestive tract of aggression bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, maintaining balance of intestinal flora, stimulating digestive fire (metabolism) and capacity of assimilation of nutrients from food. TRIFYLA can be administered both adults and children.