
High Blood Pressure


Although hypertension (High blood pressure) is one of the most common diseases and one of the major causes of deaths in the “civilized world”, people do not know much about the etiology of this disease. Renal dysfunction and factors related to lifestyle such as high intake of salt, caffeine, alcohol and excess weight can cause hypertension.
Permanant damage to the walls of the arteries, stroke and myocardial infarction may be some of the main consequences of untreated hypertension.
According to the studies, 40% of Romanians suffer from hypertension. Romania is ranking 4th in the world in terms of the number of deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases.

hipertensiunea arterialaHigh blood pressure (hypertension) represents the increase in the blood pressure above the normal one in the arteries. It can be diagnosed by repeating measurements of two values: systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood on the vascular walls immediately after the heart to pump blood into the arteries. The second value, diastolic blood pressure, represents the pressure of blood measured during the interval between two heartbeats, when the heart fills with blood. The optimum blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, but a normal value is <130/85mmHg. The acceptable value of blood pressure is 130-139/85-89 mmHg.

High blood pressure, known as hypertension is a risk factor for heart disease, kidney or cerebro-vacular accidents. This means that having high blood pressure causes a higher risk of developing heart and/or kidney disease. This aspect is very important because the heart disease and stroke are among the leading causes of death worldwide.
Anyone can develop hypertension but some people are more prone to suffer. For example, hypertension occurs earlier and develops more severely in Afro-American population than in the white population. The average age of developing hypertension (primary) is 40 years.

Symptoms of hypertension, felt since long time include: dizziness, vertigo, chest pain, sweating, visual disturbances, ringing sensation in the ears, confusion, dyspnea, palpitations etc.
In order to establish the existence of hypertension, it is necessary to measure blood pressure. If a clinically healthy person, who does not have medical history of hypertension or cardiovascular disease, blood pressure measurement is recommended every annual medical visit. But there are certain categories of people, who are recommended periodic measurement and monitoring of blood pressure, which are as follow:

-people who are being treated with antihypertensive medications (blood pressure lowering) to determine the effectiveness of treatment;
-people diagnosed with coronary heart disease, diabetes or kidney disease;
-pregnant women;
-people with personal or family history of hypertension, cardiovascular or kidney disease.
Also, measurement of blood pressure is recommended in people who are at high risk of hypertension due to an inappropriate lifestyle:
-sedentary people with unhealthy diet rich in salt and fat;
-people who consume alcohol and smoke in excess;
-stressed and anxious people.

Since hypertension does not show any symptoms, measuring blood pressure is the only method of identifying the consistent high values that may endanger life. An important role in reducing blood pressure lies upon the food diet and lifestyle modifications, appropriately, by controlling weight, quitting smoking and coffee, reducing alcohol consumption and food that promote atherosclerosis, and enhanced physical activity.
Thus, it is necessary to decrease salt consumption, which should be done gradually, starting with avoiding highly salty foods – meats, cheese (cottage cheese, cheese and fermented cheese), olives, pickles, canned food and renunciation of adding salt and spices to foods prepared at home. Attention should be paid towards the fluid intake, emphasizing the consumption of water with a salt content of less than 10 mEq /L.
The reduction in the consumption of animal fats and sweets as well as quitting smoking and coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol etc, is also important equally. Health depends on how each one takes care of it!
Allopathic medicine which is used to relieve this condition has serious side effects, which is why herbal remedies are most sought after that do not have this important drawback.

Ayurmed brand dietary supplement PRESSURE DOWN contains herbs that helps to lower high blood pressure by reducing vascular spasms, improve heart activity, expel excess of fluid from the body, calm the nervous system and improve the body’s ability to adapt to stress.
PRESSURE DOWN also has regenerating, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying benefits. This supplement contains:
Tribulus terrestris (Gokshura) –possesses vascular antisclerotic, analgesic and adaptogen properties, helps reduce cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure by relaxing the smooth muscle tissue of the blood vessels walls, inhibits platelet aggregation, increases the strength of contraction of heart muscle and reduces sodium and retention of liquid. Improves coronary flow which is useful in preventing Angina pectoris crises
Withania somnifera (Indian Ginseng, Ashwagandha) – lowers total serum cholesterol, triglycerides and lipoproteins. Withania somnifera is classified in Ayurveda as a Rasayana remedy with regenerating, rejuvenating effect meaning that it promotes physical and mental health, increases resistance against diseases and harmful environmental factors and increase longevity. Exerts a positive influence on the endocrine, cardiopulmonary and central nervous system.

– Allium sativum (garlic) – inhibits vascular hardening in patients with elevated cholesterol. The known vasodilatory effect of garlic is due to the production of hydrogen sulfide produced by catabolism of polysulfides. Hydrogen sulfide is an endogenous cardio-vascular protective molecule. It reduces glucose metabolism in diabetics, slows down the development of atherosclerosis and decreases the risk of myocardial infarction in patients with the history of cardiovascular problems. Garlic contains high levels of tellurium, selenium compounds which inhibit mono-oxygenase and thus, contribute to the cholesterol-lowering action of the plant.
– Leptadenia reticulata (Jivanti) – provides long term vasodilatory, inotropic, chronotopic and hypotensive effects.
Ayurmed brand dietary supplement LYON HEART helps maintain normal functionality of the heart by increasing the force and efficiency of cardiac muscle contraction by normalizing heart rate and reducing coronary spasms. Has diuretic and sedative effects, thus contributing to normalize blood pressure. Regeneration, adaptation to stress and hypolipidemic effects contribute to the efficiency of the product. LYON HEART contains:
– Terminalia Arjuna (Arjuna) – improves cardiac muscle functions and activity of the heart pumping, has antioxidant benefits, inhibits endothelial dysfunctions and platelet aggregation as well as reduces the risk of thrombosis .
– Rosa centifolia (Rose) – contains copper, vitamin C, Beta carotene, vitamins and vitamin K, essential for hemotopoiesis. Also, contains calcium which influences the metabolism and assimilation of foods containing potassium, which is important for normal cardiac activity. It is very useful in case of various health problems associated with cardiovascular system and hypertension.
– Withania somnifera (Indian Ginseng, Ashwagandha) – improves resistance to stress, increases vitality and promotes overall wellbeing. Has rejuvenating effect on the body. It normalizes serum cholesterol, triglycerides and lipoproteins level. Its active ingredient, withanolides contribute to increase cardiac rhythm and myocardial contractility.
– Crataegus oxyacantha (Hawthorn) is cardiovascular protective herb due to its
significant antioxidant activity, increases coronary blood flow and oxygen supply, provides positive inotropic effect, stabilizes collagen in the walls of blood vessels, reduces the accumulation of cholesterol in the liver by stimulating the degradation of cholesterol in bile acid, stimulates bile flow and suppresses cholesterol biosynthesis. It also has diuretic action which contributes to healthy blood pressure.
– Commiphora Mukul (Guggul) provides hypochloesterolemic, antioxidant benefits and strengthens the immune system.
– Tribulus terrestris (Gokhru) is a systemic and coronary vasadilatator, inhibits angiotensin converting enzyme.

Systematic use of herbal remedies associated with allopathic cardiovascular medication attenuates secondary effects of allopathic medication and can lead to dose reduction necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.