Sarcosatemma Brevistigma is a climbing plant with hairless stems up to 2 m long. Flowers are borne at the ends of branches or axillary, bearing 6-15 flowers, approximately having 1 × 2 cm, 3-5 mm long stalks. Sepals are oval, about 1 mm margin, translucent. The flowers are white or yellow, oval-shaped, petals are oblong or oblong-lance, about 3 × 1 mm, hairless. Outer corona superficial cupular lobes, from interior obtuse, slightly shorter than or as long as anthers. Seed pods are lance-shaped, round in cross section,approximately 15 × 1 cm in diameter.
Chemical composition – Contains malic, succinic acids, sugar, surcose, tannins, an alkaloid, a phytosterol, alpha and beta amyrine, lupeol and lupeol acetate and beta-sitosterol. Secretion of stem contains caoutchouc. Coagulum contains: caoutchouc, resin.
Properties- Antiasthmatic, bronhidialator, antiallergic (respiratory system).
Recommendation – Respiratory ailments such as bronchospasm, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, coryza or cold.
This plant is incorporated in natural remedy COUGHEND Syrup.