Fumaria Officinalis (Fumitory) is widespread in temperate and Mediterranean areas of Europe, Asia and North Africa. This is an herbaceous, annual plant of 10-30 cm. All aerial parts are greenish-blue in color, being covered with a whitish fluff, suggesting a wisp of smoke rising above the ground. The root is vertical and having stake shape. Stem is straight and branched from the base of the plant having bushy appearance. It bears compound, petiolate leaves, deeply divided, bipennated with narrow linear leaflets. The flower is zygomorph, with floral consisting of two sepals which fall very early sepals and uneven 4 petals, of which the upper one ends with spur. The color of petals is pink to pale purple, with purple apex. The flowers are gathered in simple raceme inflorescence type. The fruit is a spherical capsule of 2-4 mm diameter.
Chemical composition – Contains fumaric acid, alkaloids and their derivatives (fumarine, cryptopine, coridaline, bulbocapnine, dicentrine), tannins, resins, flavones, bitter substances, mucilage and potassium minerals.
Properties – Carminative, antispasmodic, laxative, depurative, sedative, tonic, choleretic, liver tonic, hepatoprotective, febrifuge.
Recommendations – Hepatobiliary and kidney disorders, jaundice, obesity, amenorrhea, constipation, atherosclerosis, hypertension, fever, acne.
This plant is incorporated in natural remedy LIVECOM Syrup.